*Black Vortex*


Black Vortex translates the actual digital events of the Prague Stock Exchange into patterns of vibrations deforming otherwise smooth flat surface, in whose centre a birth of catastrophe – the equilibrium collapse occurs.

Each stock engraves its own trace of its existence into the surface wrinkled by other information emergences while the piled up vibrations constantly recede the excited world further from its original equilibrium. The Black Vortex interprets information patterns as chaotic disequilibrium states disrupting the wholeness of nothingness by momentary delimitation of deformations in order to give rise to senseless imbalances. The universe is seen as a multi-layered vibration system whose actual state magically arises out of the constantly emerging deformities. Everything that exists is a manifestation of imbalance as the source of all being.

Made in collaboration with Pavel Němec.

Black Vortex